Cleopatra Project. Collaborative Exploration of cyber-physical cultural Landscapes
collana Ricerche series maior 16
104 pagine
ISBN 978-88-7849-191-5
The Cleopatra Project (acronym for CoLlaborative ExploratiOn of cyber-PhysicAl culTuRal lAndscapes), supports the construction of new generation cyber-physical systems, consisting of human users, intelligent software agents and physical devices cooperating within one hybrid-physical, augmented and virtual-expanded cultural environment.
Integration between different standpoints and communication needs was researched through the evaluation of the scientific and technological advances of three significant case studies within the Caserta and Benevento districts (Campania, Italy): 1) Men, places and institutions of the Samnites in the Northern Campania: Re-Generation of a cultural identity; 2) The Appian Way in ancient Capua; 3) The MudiR, the Expanded Risorgimento Museum within the Terra di Lavoro.
Papers by: Rocco Aversa, Dario Branco, Paola Carfora, Almerinda Di Benedetto, Sabrina Mataluna, Giuseppina Renda, Salvatore Venticinque, Rosa Vitale.