Antonio Curci
Tilmen Höyük. Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Middle and Late Bronze Age Urban Centre (Excavation Campaigns 2003-2007)
fascicule 2
formato 21 x 29,7 cm
94 pagine, in b/n e a colori
ISBN 978-88-7849-159-5 (versione cartacea)
ISBN 978-88-7849-184-7 (versione on line)
ISSN 2284-2780
€ 20,00
Aggiungi al carrello “Gaziantep Regional Project Occasional Papers” are non-periodical scientific studies and reports about the socio-cultural heritage and natural environment of the region of Gaziantep by the Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition to Karkemish. GRPOP is open also to scientists from all fields and from any affiliation, contributions are peer-reviewed.