Fayyum Studies

ed. by S. Pernigotti and M. Zecchi

Fayyum Studies 3 (2009)


formato 20 x 27,5 cm; ril. bros.
176 pagine, in b/n
ISBN 978-88-7849-037-6; ISSN 1827-3831

€ 25,00
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Fayyum Studies is not a new journal of Egyptology, but a series of volumes which will not be published regularly and which are part of the ‘Fayyum Project’ of the Department of Archaeology of the University of Bologna. They are born from the necessity of finding a forum for the more and more numerous scholars who are specifically interested in the Fayyum region and whose contributions cannot presently be included in our REAC.
Fayyum Studies welcome contributions from Italian and foreign scholars who are interested in the Fayyum from the prehistoric to the Arabic age.
Valentina Gasperini, Il Fayyum attraverso i papiri del Nuovo Regno - Giovanna Paolucci, Edifici privati di Bakchias: studio preliminare - Sergio Pernigotti, Studi su Bakchias. I. Le domande oracolari e il culto dei Dioscuri - Sergio Pernigotti, Noterelle fayyummiche 2 - Anna Morini, Bibliography of the Fayyum - Addition 2008
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